Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate trades at N755/$1 on 25th May 2023

Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today

Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate 755
Buying Rate 740
Pounds to Naira (USD to NGN) CBN Official Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate 441
Buying Rate 441


Naira appreciated against the US Dollar to trade at an average of N745/$1 at the black market on Friday, 15th May 2023. This represents an improvement of 0.54% in contrast to N741/$1 recorded in the previous trading session.

This is according to information obtained by Nairametrics from BDC traders.

The exchange rate started the year at N736/$1 and recorded its highest rate at N775/$1 on 20th February 2023 and lowest at N730/$1 on 5th January 2023.

Similarly, the exchange rate between the naira and the Pound strengthened to trade at an average of N935/£1 on Wednesday, 3rd May 2023, an 0.21% appreciation from N933/£1 that was recorded in the previous trading session.

Meanwhile, naira traded flat against the Euro to N805/€1 on Monday 22nd May 2023. This is the same rate as recorded on  Wednesday, 24 May 2023.

Black Market Dollar to Naira Today 25th May 2023: Dollar to Naira exchange rate in Nigeria black market is between ₦745 and ₦755, according to information gotten from Aboki exchange rate.

In Abuja and Lagos Today 25/05/2023 there is a slight change in Dollar to Naira black market rate , Dollar to naira was exchanged at the rate of  ₦745 and 755.

Dollar to naira black market exchange rate today black market (Aboki dollar rate):

BankTransfer understands that the exchange rate for a dollar to naira at Lagos Parallel Market (Black Market) players buy a dollar for N745 and sell at N750 as of the time of filing this report.

Exchange Rate of Dollar To Naira in Black Market Today?

Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate 745
Selling Rate 755

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note that the exchange rate changes hourly.… it depends on the volume of dollars available and the Demands. What it means is that…you can buy or sell 1 dollar at ₦745 and the price can change (high or low) within hours.

The present buying and selling rates of United States Dollars (USD) on the unofficial parallel market are provided below for Bureau De Change (BDC) operators in Lagos and Abuja, also known as the black market.”

Naira appreciates marginally against dollar

On Friday, the Naira showed improvement against the US Dollar and was traded at N463.25 at the investors’ and exporters’ window, which represented a 0.11% increase compared to Tuesday’s rate of N463.75. The open indicative rate for the day ended at N463.50 per dollar. Before settling at N463.25, a spot exchange rate of N466 was used for trading during the day.

According to Punch, the father of a corps member lamented that his daughter was preparing for her Masters in the UK before a train crash occurred.

Currency Buying Rate Selling Rate
USD to NGN ₦745 ₦750
GBP to NGN ₦920 ₦930
EUR to NGN ₦790 ₦815
CAD to NGN ₦580 ₦610
ZAR to NGN ₦31 ₦38
AED to NGN ₦180 ₦200
CNY to NGN ₦80 ₦90
GHS to NGN ₦40 ₦55
XOF to NGN ₦1050 ₦1100
XAF to NGN ₦920 ₦950

Official Dollar to Naira Exchange rate today 25th May 2023

The official exchange rate between the Nigerian Naira and the US dollar is provided by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) on its Currency Exchange Rate platform.

GTBank Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates

Bank Currency Rate
GTBank USD to Naira ₦ 465

First Bank Naira Exchange Rates

Currency Rate
GBP ₦ 706
EUR ₦ 602
CAD ₦ 466
USD ₦ 500
INR ₦ 5.80
RUB ₦ 6.20

Access Bank Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates

Currency Rate
USD To Naira ₦ 505
EUR To Naira ₦ 531
GBP To Naira ₦ 621
CAD To Naira ₦ 357
ZAR To Naira ₦ 31
INR To Naira ₦ 6
TRY To Naira ₦ 52
AUD To Naira ₦ 299
RUB To Naira ₦ 7.10
SGD To Naira ₦ 268
AED To Naira ₦ 109
XOF To Naira ₦ 800

UBA Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates

Currency Rate
INR To Naira ₦ 6.12
USD To Naira ₦ 503
EUR To Naira ₦ 566
GBP To Naira ₦ 622
CAD To Naira ₦ 316
AED To Naira ₦ 119

Ecobank Naira Exchange Rates

Currency Rate
USD To Naira ₦ 480
GBP To Naira ₦ 621
EUR To Naira ₦ 499.45
AED To Naira ₦ 107
CAD To Naira ₦ 299
INR To Naira ₦ 5.9

Stanbic Bank Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates

Currency Rate
USD To Naira ₦ 465
EUR To Naira ₦ 543
GBP To Naira ₦ 646
CAD To Naira ₦ 337


Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today, 25th May 2023

Dollar to naira black market exchange rate today – black market dollar to naira exchange rate.

Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Selling Rate ₦ 755
Buying Rate ₦ 740


Euro to Naira Black Market

Today’s Euro to Naira black market rate: This is the rate at Aboki/Bureau De Change (BDC) are selling and buying The European currency (Euro) currently in Abuja, Kano, and Lagos. There might be slight variations in the different parallel (unofficial) markets.

black market rate dollar to naira

Euro to Naira (EUR to NGN) Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate ₦760
Selling Rate ₦780

What is $1 to naira in black market?

1 dollar to naira black market – how much is naira to dollar

$1 is ₦ 755

How much is $100 in black market today?

$100 is ₦ 75,500

How much is $100 US in Nigeria?

$100 is ₦ 75,500

What is $1 to naira in black market?

$1 is ₦ 755

How much is $100 US in Nigeria?

$100 is ₦ 75,500

How much is $100 in black market today?

  1. $100 is ₦ 75,500