What The Dark Straight Line On Pregnant Women’s Belly Means

The dark line on pregnant women’s belly means the Linear nigra. In some cases called Pregnancy line. Around 80% of pregnant ladies will see the Linear nigra structure during pregnancy.

The linear Nigra is a Latin term which literally mean ‘Black line’. It is the name used to describe the dark vertical line which often appears on the abdomen of pregnant women around the middle of their pregnancy.

There are a modest bunch of irregular characteristics that individuals swear can decide the orientation of a pregnant individual’s child. Some of them appear to be illogical for instance, in the event that a pregnant individual hungers for sweet varieties over pungent ones, they are purportedly having a young lady.

There’s nothing you can do to prevent the pregnancy line. It is a natural part of pregnancy. The goodnews is that it usually lessen or fade away shortly after the birth of the baby. One may think the dark line running up your stomach is unsightly. Linear nigra is harmless.

The linea nigra, or pregnancy line, is a dark line that starts at your pubic bone and extends through your belly button during pregnancy.

What is the linea nigra?

The linea nigra is a dark vertical line that appears on the skin of your stomach during pregnancy. It’s also called the pregnancy line. It runs from your belly button to your public area but can extend towards your abdomen. The linea nigra may appear darker as your pregnancy develops and is more visible in people with darker complexions. Linea nigra is Latin for “black line.”

When do you get the linea nigra?

You always have a linea nigra, but it’s nearly invisible until your hormones rise during pregnancy. In most people, the linea nigra darkens enough to be visible in the second trimester (around 20 weeks). Before you’re pregnant, the line is called linea alba or “white line.” When you are pregnant and the line gets dark and visible, it’s called linea nigra.

When does the linea nigra go away?

The linea nigra will fade after pregnancy when your hormone levels return to regular levels. The fading is gradual over several weeks or months. In some cases, it doesn’t entirely disappear or takes a lot longer to go away.

Does everyone get a linea nigra?

Up to about 80% of pregnant people will have a linea nigra, but it may be more or less noticeable depending on your skin color. Those with darker complexions tend to have a more pronounced linea nigra compared to those with fair complexions. This is because people with darker skin have more pigmentation than those with light skin.

What is the linea nigra for?

No one is sure what the linea nigra is for. Some have speculated that the darker color helps a newborn baby find its way up to the breasts to nurse (breastfeed). There are other old wives’ tales that you may hear about the linea nigra, but none have been proven.

What makes the linea nigra appear during pregnancy?

The linea nigra appears naturally during pregnancy because of the higher levels of hormones in your body. The exact cause isn’t known, but most healthcare providers believe that the melanocyte-stimulating hormone created by the placenta causes melanin to rise during pregnancy. Melanin is responsible for giving your skin its color. This increase in melanin causes your skin to darken during pregnancy. This same hormone is responsible for causing melasma and darker areolas. No one is sure why certain areas of the body are affected and others are not.

What does the linea nigra look like?

The linea nigra is about 1/4 to 1/2 inches wide and stretches from your pubic bone to your belly button. In some cases, it extends past the belly button towards your breasts. It’s darker than your skin color and can appear brown or light black. Your linea nigra stays a consistent width from the top to the bottom. It’s not a cause for worry and doesn’t indicate there are issues with your pregnancy or your skin.

Can I avoid getting a line on my stomach during pregnancy?

No, you can’t prevent getting the linea nigra. It’s connected to hormone changes in your body. It will lessen and fade away after your baby is born.

Is the linea nigra a sign of any health condition?

No, the linea nigra is not associated with any medical conditions during pregnancy. It’s a completely normal part of being pregnant.

Can I make my linea nigra go away?

No, you can’t make it go away. Healthcare providers don’t recommend applying medications, topical ointments or other bleaching agents to your skin while you are pregnant. Wearing sunscreen can be beneficial as ultraviolet rays from the sun can intensify the color of your linea nigra. Folic acid may help reduce the intensity of the linea nigra. Folic acid is found in foods such as leafy green vegetables, beans and whole wheat bread.

Using a bleaching cream may be an option after your baby is born, but only if you are not breastfeeding.

Applying makeup to cover your linea nigra is an option if the dark line is bothering you or if it doesn’t fade away fast enough. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are concerned about the appearance of your linea nigra.